(This picture was taken from Kevin's 18th birthday)
Today is Kevin's 19th birthday. Can you believe he is 19 already? I can't. Where did the time go?
I just talked to him and he said he doesn't feel any older, just glad the weather is nice....apparently its sunny in Corvallis, not so sunny in Portland.
We just wanted to wish Kevin a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a GREAT day!
Here are some pictures of Kevin from the past couple years.
Ninja Kevin, Oregon Beach 2005
Kevin, David Baggs, and Ryan helping build the fence, 2004
Kevin playing Lacrosse for Lincoln High School, 2006
Kevin's High School Graduation Party
Mark, Kavi, and Kevin, Sept. 2007 - Dropping Kevin off at Oregon State University (OSU) for his first year of college