Saturday, June 6, 2009

Memorial Day Part Two - Yard Work

Sunday of Memorial Day weekend we did some yard work.  Actually, Andy did most of the yard work, I did a little raking.  I had hoped to get a picture of the tree in our backyard before Andy started cutting limbs, but I didn't get the picture in time.  So, here is our tree with the first part of the limbs cut off.  Picture it with tree limbs to the bottom of the tree, tall grasses and weeds under the tree.  So, even the before picture, the tree looks a lot better.

Under the tree, before the raking

You can see where Andy was cutting off tree limbs.  All the way to the bottom of the tree.

After the raking.  You may not be able to tell the difference, but we can.  :o)

Progress on Rosie's Marigolds that she planted on Mother's Day.  Yeah, they are growing.  (And my toes in the bottom of the picture too.)

Yeah, the Marigolds are growing.

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