Sunday, January 27, 2008

An Epic of Damon

Just wanted to share Ryan's Epic Poem he wrote last weekend for his english class. I have obtained permission from the author (Ryan) to post this. He recieved a 10 out of 10 for his grade with a comment from his teacher stating, "Wow Ryan, this needs to go into a book!"

Andy and I were really impressed with his work, so we wanted to share....Enjoy!

An Epic of Damon

The adventurer sat
All eyes fixed on him
“Gather round the fire
To hear a tale so grim,
In the time of dreaming,

Before the earth was old.
Myths were in the making,
Legends yet untold.

Damon was young,
Carefree and wild.
Approaching the age,
Where he was no child.
A man to be
And a task to be done.
A quest was assigned,
Thus this tale was spun.

Dread filled his heart
As he approached the doors.
The High School, behold!
The land of many wars.
Enormous halls of beige
And odors so foul.
Every minute sounded
A bloodcurdling howl!

His companions were few
But trustworthy still.
An adventure they were on
With mighty beasts to kill.
There was the giant Adam,
So large and tall.
Along with Phil
Sole maiden amongst all.

The trios set out to approach their fate,
When a messenger drew near.
He represented the sirens
Eight maidens of fear.
No student hadn’t heard
Of the tales of woe.
Of peers being slain,

With a single frightful blow

The sirens they called themselves,
When Gorgons they were.
Snakes upon their brows,
Scales instead of fur.
Bringing fear to Damon,
He knew his chore.
To slay the monsters
And silence their roar.

A meeting place was agreed
And violence was to be barred.
A democratic affair
With the dropping of guard.
Unbeknownst to him
There was a traitor among
The friends he called dear
And by them he’d be stung.

Preparation for battle
Was the meeting’s goal.
A declaration of war
To stay under control.
‘No deaths of innocents!’
Damon stated with goodness.
He had no weapons,
But he battled nevertheless.

A troll attacked
At that very moment!
Leaping and bashing
Within their weak tent.
Damon seized his fist
And grappled the beast
Beating it to submission
Until it was deceased

‘What treachery is this,
Who hast betrayed me?’
‘I t was I your friend,’
Bravely said she.
For then Phil stepped up,
Appearing most serpent-like.
For she was a Gorgon!
Wielding the most fearful spike.

She slew him there,
Amongst all his friends.
The tragedy of Damon
Is how this tale ends.”
Adam sat,
Relaying his story
In front of a fire
Lack of any glory.

He learned that day
How to spot an enemy.
To go with your gut
And to trust with a lea.
“If snakes they be
With evil tongues
Abandon those,
For better ones.

Stay close to friends
Of trustworthy traits.
Do not keep liars
Within your good grace
Good Allies are loyal
And friendly to a fault
An adversary will mock you
With speech made of salt.”

He left the townspeople
To ponder his words,
As he departed the village
Being alone as preferred.
Endlessly traveling
And telling of his friend
He’ll never forget him
Until the very end.

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