Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Woodstock Parade & Yellow House Brewing Extravaganza 2007

Saturday, June 14, 2007 was the Woodstock Parade and Festival. It was also Rosie's first parade last year...so we had to go to it again this year.

Rosie enjoyed the parade on her Daddy's shoulders.

Kevin's girlfriend Madaline was in the parade playing the bag pipes

After the parade, Andy and a bunch of his buddies came over for the "Yellow House Brewing Extravaganza"

As you can see, it was quite an operation with 3 brews going all day long

Rosie spent the day staying cool by playing in her water table - Thank you Grandma and Grandpa - I love it and have some much fun playing in the water. :o)

After a long day of brewing we spent the evening relaxing eating homemade ice cream - YUM!

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