Saturday, April 13, 2013

Adoption Update, One Year Later

Looking over the blog last night, I read that one year ago today, April 13th, we filled out the application for America World Adoption Agency (AWAA).  I wish I could say we have all our paperwork turned in and we are waiting to be matched with a child from Haiti, but that is not the case.

After we filled out the adoption application with AWAA, they sent us a packet of LOTS and LOTS of paperwork to fill out.  Then we got another packet of information to fill out from our Home Study agency with LOTS and LOTS more paperwork to fill out.  I got overwhelmed with the amount of paperwork and it sat for about six months.

In the Fall 2012, one night at dinner we were taking with Rose about obeying and how she is called to obey her parents (Andy and I) and we are ALL called to obey God.  As dinner progressed and we were talking about many things that night, Rose asked about her sister.  When would her sister be with us and if we were filling out adoption paperwork.  Out of the mouth of my 6 year old, I was being reminded that I am not being obedient to God and the adoption process and shortly there after began filling out paperwork.

Fast forward to today, April 13, 2013.  We are in the final stretches of getting what we need for our dossier collection and our home study.  My goal is to have what we need by the end April, if all goes as planned.

God is good and faithful and so glad we are walking this journey with HIM. 

Here is a recent picture of our little family that we needed taken for our dossier.  Pictures taken on Easter Sunday.