Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Christmas Eve 2008
Zoo Lights
Zoo Lights at the Oregon Zoo
Ryan, Daddy, Rosie, and Kevin
Kevin is giving a High-Five to the Beaver in lights Kevin and Ryan on the Train
Rosie and Daddy on the Train
Dragon in Lights
Swan Lake Scene
Artic Blast in Portland
Monday, December 15, 2008
Moving to Wisconsin
View of ice shanties on the lake
View of Rib Mountain from the freeway in Wausau, WI
Rib Mountain is the second highest peak in Wisconsin at 1040 feet.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Can you believe it? Ryan is 16!
On Oct. 11th, Ryan and Andy headed to Corvallis, OR for the Beaver Football game (I gave my ticket to Ryan so he and Andy could have a "man" day). While in town, they also got together with Kevin and his girlfriend, Anne.
On the 12th we had Grandma Donna, Grandpa Paul, and Brother David (the neighbor from across the street and Ryan's good friend) for a gourmet dinner of Lamb chops, asparagus, and garlic mashed potatoes, and for dessert - birthday pie (thank you Grandma Donna for the pie, it was delicious)
On Ryan's actual birthday, the 15th, Ryan took the said PSAT, and after school had some buddies come over, eat pizza, play video games and watch movies/TV.
But the celebrations did not end there, for Ryan. Over the weekend of Oct. 18-19th, Ryan, his mom Katy, and Kevin went out for dinner and out for a movie.
I think all in all, Ryan had a pretty good birthday, but I still can't believe he is 16! Where did the time go?
Below are some pictures to remember the celebrations.
Andy, the Proud Father
Grandpa Paul and Grandma Donna
He wanted Monopoly
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Selle's in September
Mt Angel Oktoberfest:
There is no more appropriate setting for an American version of the "Old World" Oktoberfest than in Mount Angel, Oregon. The small community was settled by German pioneers in the 1800s and readily reminds one of the rich Bavarian countryside. Oregon's oldest and best-loved Oktoberfest began in 1966 as a traditional harvest festival to celebrate the bounty of the earth and the goodness of creation. It is Oregon's largest folk festival.
On Sept. 14th, after church, the Selle's (minus Ryan) and the Spencer's headed to Mt. Angel for there annual Oktoberfest. It's something I've wanted to do for many years, and this year we did. We ate great food and listened to some great music. Andy and Chris decided that next year they would wear lederhosen.

That would be a sight to see Andy and Chris wearing Lederhosen...maybe next year.

Rose and I danced to the polka band, well we actually just went in circles. She LOVED it, as you can see by the smile on her face.
Visiting Daisy and Baby Carter:
Wednesday, Sept. 17th, Rose and I took a road trip for the day and went to visit our friends at the beach, the Woika's. Rose and Daisy are only 4 weeks apart in age, and Daisy has a new baby brother, Carter. The weather was wet and cold, so we just hung out at the house, the girls played with play-doh, danced, played music, and did some "cooking" with the pretend food. And of course they watched an episode or two of their favorite show, Yo Gabba Gabba! You can see what all the rage about is here on the Yo Gabba Gabba website.
Daisy and Rose
Sitting on the couch eating a snack
Rose and Daisy being silly
Baby Carter
Here is a little video of the girls being silly.
Making Muffins and Tea Party with Daddy:
Rosie decided she wanted to make muffins and have a tea party when Daddy got home...so I helped her make muffins. She is a very good baker.
Rose wanted to dress up in her princess skirt and wear her rubber boots one day. She had to put her boots on herself. If you look closely, her boots are on the wrong feet...but she looked really cute.
Monday, September 15, 2008
1st Dentist Visit
It was a very proud mommy moment for me. Rose did SO GOOD at the dentist. She got her teeth cleaned and fluoride - beautiful teeth, no cavities - YEAH! The dentist looked at her teeth and some spots I was concerned about...he said they looked good, and Rose didn't hardly cry at all.
She was excited because she got to where some really cool sunglasses, a neat looking bib, and suck on the straw sucky thing (the spit sucker, as I call it). Also, take a ride on the dentist chair going up and down. I'd say the highlight of her trip to the dentist was picking out her toy for being so good.
Since Rose got to visit the dentist...she shows us many times a day how clean her teeth are..she is pretty proud of having clean teeth.
I am happy she had a good 1st dentist experience and I hope for more good experiences at the dentist, a.k.a. no cavities.
Rose getting ready to have her teeth cleaned
Cleaning and counting teeth
The sucky thing
Rosie showing off her clean teeth with the dental hygienist
Playing with her toy...a green camera
In a Box
The New Baby Elephant
When he was born he weighed in at 286 lbs (and I thought Rose was a big girl at 8 lbs). As of Sept. 5th Sam (the elephant) weighs 310 lbs. He is so cute! Here are few pictures from our trip to the zoo. Enjoy.
Sam and his mom Rose-Tu
The baby elephant is so cute
Hannah & Rose