Monday, October 15, 2007

Visiting Great Grandma

In September, Rose became an international traveler when we flew to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada....a trip to Edmonton to meet Great Grandma Goltz.

Rose charmed her Great Grandma, afterall, Rose was named after her Great Grandma - Frieda Goltz, Rose Frieda Selle.

Portland Marathon Oct. 7th

On Sunday, October 7th, I walked the Portland Marathon for the second time. I walked the marathon 3 years ago, then it was my first marathon. At that time I finished the marathon in 6 hrs: 5 min: 12 seconds. 3 years later (this year) after having a baby and a summer of training, I finished my second marathon on Oct 7th in 6 hrs: 9 mins: 18 seconds, an average pace of 14:06 min/mile. I was very pleased with my time, as I was expecting to finish in 6 hrs; 30 min, I finished 21 mins ahead of my expected time. Even though I was only 4 mins slower this year than three years ago, it did take me a little longer to recoup from the race, but I still had a good time and of course - finished!

Renee - coming into the finish line.

Tracey and Renee - Portland Marathon 2007 Finishers

Rosie with Mommy's Finishers Medal

Rosie and Mommy - 2007 Portland Marathon Finisher

Ryan's 15th Birthday

Today is Ryan's 15th birthday, but the family celebration happened over the weekend. On Saturday, Ryan celebrated with his mom and family, and Sunday we celebrated with our side of the family. It was quite a celebration. It was actually a double birthday, as we celebrated Ryan's 15th birthday, and his cousin Kayla's 2nd birthday. Dave and Sharon and the girls came down to Portland one last time before they move to London, England.

Here is the Spiderman cake Renee made and decorated for Ryan's brithday. The decorating classes paid off.

Kayla's 2nd birthday